It is my great pleasure to welcome you to the Invisible College, formerly the New Alexandria Academy.
Herein lies the opportunity for you, the intrepid visitor, to learn about some of the great subjects and questions of our
age, and more importantly, to explore and form questions of your own. This college is a place for enrichment and
enlightenment, for both student and teacher.
In the weeks and months to come, you will see this college page gradually expanding. At the moment, I am creating
curricula for courses, and sources for students to utilize. The main purpose is to present you with an opportunity to
study a variety of topics, some fairly conventional disciplines, and many topics which one might otherwise not be able to
study in a conventional setting, all under my tutelage.
Courses of study will be based on readings of classic texts and other sources, generally, an assignment per course, and
interaction with your instructor, me. Topics of study will include, but will certainly not be limited to the following:
American History Religious studies
Pagan History
Religious History
Angelology Parahistory
Biblical Studies Paranormal
Biblical Prophecy Vampirology
Biblical History
Christian History Secret
Classical Studies Ancient Mysteries
Comparative Religion Pre-Columbian America
Demonology Ghost
Eschatology Western
**also, tailored courses
and directed studies
will be available
It is my sincere hope that you find useful knowledge here, and that you may make good use of it. Whether you choose
to enroll in courses, or utilize this college page's resources, I trust you will not be disappointed. Please read
on for more information. Godspeed.
H. Burton
The Invisible College exists to offer learning opportunities in a variety of unique and sometimes unusual subjects.
One might think of it as a grass roots educational institution. Its function is the dissemination and acquisition of
knowledge, with an emphasis on classical methods in the learning process. The College provides students with quality
instruction with the purpose of giving them exposure to an array of liberal arts and esoterica. All who seek to learn
and gain knowledge are welcome here.
One of the things that you might be asking yourself is "why another online school," or "why do we need another school?" A
major shortcoming of contemporary education, especially in the public realm, is its reliance on the state. Education
was never intended to be an instrument of the state, nor was it supposed to be reliant on the state for either approval or
policy. Somewhere along the line, during the process of the democritization of education in this country, we lost sight
of what education is supposed to do, and what methods work in the teaching of those objectives. Genuine education, and
the process of teaching, is supposed to instill a love of learning, which in turn, allows one to teach oneself, for none of
us ever stop learning. It is absolutely necessary for the sustenance of life.
The Invisible College is a cyber academy. It combines the nature of the Library of Alexandria, the classical
educational style of the Greek academy, and the functions of the 19th century Lyceum. As such, this college is
a venue in which students may explore subjects both natural and supernatural in the style of classical instruction and mentoring.
The term "invisible college" was an idea that arose in seventeenth century Europe. It consisted of networks of
scholars sharing their findings via letters. Since then, its usage has extended to not only scholars of conventional
knowledge, but also esoterica, and their exchange of ideas. In essence, an invisible college is a grass roots educational
system related, in many ways, to the old guilds of medieval and Renaissance Europe, and is led by and comprised of independent
Therefore, the Invisible College operates with no inerference from the state. There is no need for accreditation
because it is not a conventional institution, college, or university. The college is in the learning
process together, working to sharpen one another. Here we embrace knowledge for knowledge sake, and the right to procure

*6.24.08-Be on the lookout for course offerings. Course packets
will be available soon!
*FREE CLASS! The Invisible College offers a free trial
course that allows prospective students to sample the class offerings. Try the course ROMAN RELIGION: A BRIEF SURVEY today for FREE. Just go to the CATALOG page or click on the above course title for more information.