Professor: Judd H. Burton, MA
New Alexandria Academy
This course is a
brief survey of the elements of traditional Roman religion. It is designed to
introduce the student to the tenets, beliefs, and certain spiritual practices of the ancient Romans. Upon completion of the course students will better understand the uniqueness of Roman religion and gain
perspective and direction for more advanced study of Roman mythology and religion.
Jesse Benedict Carter. “The Religion of Numa.” in
The Religion of Numa (ed. Judd H. .
Burton). Dumas, Texas: Burton Beyond, 2007.
All students are
required to read the text. It is a requirement, but it is also a gracious invitation. Students must also complete the assignment.
Upon completion of
text, chose one of the following questions and write a one page, double spaced essay answering it:
1] What features
of Roman religion make it distinctive (especially from that of
2] Is traditional
Roman religion concerned more with mythology or ritual?
Explain your answer.
3] Often in grade
school, we are taught that the Roman and Greek deities, and
therefore their religions,
are analogous and interchangeable. In light of Carter’s essay, does this
notion hold true?
When you complete
your essay, email it to me in an attachment or in the text of the message at I will then grade it and return it to you with some comments.
Part of the mentoring
process involves interaction between instructor and student. Please email any
questions you may have concerning the course subject material and I will answer as promptly as possible.
*Godspeed in your
pursuit of the truth. Thank you for choosing to sample the course material of
the New Alexandria Academy. I look forward to our interaction.