Dear friends,
I trust you are well. It has been some time since I have actively maintained my websites. Let me assure you now, that I am back. I have returned from what I can only describe as a season of intense trial in my life. Perhaps one day, I will be in a place to tell that story. For the present, let me just say that the Lord of Hosts can sustain a man through great adversity.
In the end, I was reminded what my calling in this life is. And part of that means shedding the light of truth on a nest of vipers in this present age. You all have so dutifully and faithfully kept up with my work, and I invite you to continue to do so. I hear from many of you about how my research has been of value to you. That is tremendously gratifying and I am happy to use the skills God has given me to continue providing pertinent research on a number of "fringe" and orthodox topics.
I believe like many of you that we have entered into an age of increasing turmoil and evil. Also, like many of you I believe that a good number of these troubles were foretold in the Bible. As such, we may take heart because "our redemption is near," however near or far that may be according to God's perspective. Vigilance is the key--vigilance against the growing acceptance of wickedness. Let me encourage you to be vigilante. Put on the full armor of God. The lives of believers in this age must be a balance of the pragmatic and the prophetic.
Those of you who are Batman fans may be familiar with the character. I'm a long time fan myself, which is why I took a line from the mythos for the title of this entry. That's the kind of intensity we need--doing what's right no matter the cost. And there often is a cost.
Stem the tide my friends, stem the tide, because it is coming.
At any rate, I will be returning to blogging regularly soon, and sending out issues of Beyond. Godspeed to you all and thank you for your support.
Your Friendly Neighborhood Ph.D.
Dr. Judd H. Burton